Saturday, July 10, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away...............

Well, it did............eventually. But not before I got soaked to the bone walking through the rain from the Capitol South Metro station to the US Capitol Building and Kim stepped right into a big puddle beside the planetarium at the Air and Space Museum and spent the rest of the day with a wet foot. We figure we walked about 15 miles in all so that couldn't have been comfortable..

So here are the couple of pics that I wanted to use yesterday but at close to 1:00am I wasn't having a ton of success getting the blog the way I wanted it.

This is Barry and Mickie's house in the background but, like I said, they didn't seem to be home.

And this is me beside a piece of the Berlin Wall in the Ronald Reagan Building,

So, like I said, today was about 15 miles of walking and included tours and tours and museums and museums and memorials and memorials. In other words, lots and lots of stuff. We were up way too early and by day's end our legs were dead tired and sore. But I do want to give a shout out to my kids and especially Brady as the instigator, who decided a couple of years ago that I needed a TomTom GPS to find my way around. I have never driven around DC (at least not in the last 30 years) and I would have been completely lost finding my way around in my rental car. But TomTom has faithfully gotten us everywhere we needed to go, in light and dark, in clear skies and pouring rain, in the city and out of the city. Having TomTom along has been a lifesaver in more ways than you can know.

So here are a couple of my impressions of the day and then Kim will fill in the details:

We toured the Capitol Bldg this morning and I got a picture of my political hero, Ronald Reagan.

I wanted to be pictured beside him but I didn't make it in time.

Buzz Aldrin decided to stop by the Air and Space Museum and say hi.

It was pretty cool to see him.

And then there was some excitement as the Washington Memorial started to tip!!

Fortunately I was there to steady it and stabilize it again!

Just kidding, of course, but that's a pretty cool picture, don't you think?

That's all I have for tonight. Hopefully Kim will add her two cents worth. Tomorrow is is getting ready to head over the pond. I don't know when we will have 'net access again as we will be flying overnight on Sunday night/Monday morn. But we will be back when we can.


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