Sunday, July 18, 2010

OK, we're back - Last day in Aberdeen

Because of our limited Internet access our blogs will be shorter and simpler for a while. But here is a picture story of our last day in Aberdeen. The whole purpose of the Aberdeen trip was to re-visit the places I (George) remember from my year at the University there, and things couldn't have worked out better for that. Even after 37 years, the things that I remembered were pretty much as I remembered them. It actually started feeling familiar very quickly. Here are some pictures of the day........
Here I am at the entrance to King's College at the Unversity of Aberdeen, This is where I came every day for all of my classes. King's College was founded in 1495 so they celebrated the 500th anniversary of the college 15 years ago. There was a floor medalion commemorating that in the King's College Center that we took a picture of.

Here is a wider shot of King's College. Everything is made of silver granite, not only at King's College but throughout the city. Because of this Aberdeen is known as the Silver City.
To get to the dorm George stayed in we got to walk through a botanical garden. It was awesome!

This is a picture of Wavell House at the Hillhead student housing. This is the house that I lived in. We could only see it from a distance because it was being renovated and there was fencing up all around it to keep us out.

We had to get another picture of a George Street to add to our collection! This was in Aberdeen on our way to King's College.

We had heard about Asda, a large store that was owned by Walmart and we set out on the bus to go see it. In the parking lot we saw this car owned by Ashley and Ian :)

This is the Asda. One of the Rotarians we ate lunch with told us about it. He has been to Texas many times to visit his daughter and has been to Walmart. Many of the items sold in the US Walmarts are also sold in Scotland--except the food is often sold in much smaller containers.

This is the inside of Asda. The store is on two floors. To get from one floor to the other people can take their carts on these large escalators.

One more "George" picture--the country of Scotland is sure making him feel at home!

This is Aberdeen Station as we head out to Edinburgh to stay there for a few days. We slept in a hostel in Edinburgh and traveled by bus and train to The Open.
So that's it for Aberdeen. We have already been to the final day of the Open, and an amazing day it was, but you will have to wait a while for that. But rest assured, it was the perfect cap to an incredible experience. So, stay tuned!!

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