Wednesday, July 14, 2010

It's My Kim

George has been writing about his impressions of our trip so far so now here are a few of my thoughts...

This is the first time I can say I've slept in the same room with 6 other guys! We are staying in a hostel here in St. Andrews about 4-5 blocks from the course. One of the men is from New Zealand, three are from Hawaii, one from Canada, and one from Minnesota. :) I am on a top bunk--so far no casualties! There are about six sleeping rooms, a kitchen for everyone to use, and a large living room/eating area. I found out the hard way that the hot water doesn't get turned on until 8:00 a.m. so if I want a shower, it has to be at night.

I've been really interested in the architecture here. The old buildings are beautiful. I've taken quite a few pictures of windows and doors. Here are a few:

George will write more later but today was exciting because we got to see Tom Lehman and George got his autograph. The weather was windy, rainy, and cold--typical Scottish weather. We got to the course about 8:00 a.m. and walked all around the course until about 12:30. We went back again later in the afternoon in the hopes of watching the Champions Challenge, but it was cancelled because of the weather.

Tomorrow George will head to the course for the first day of competition and I won't be going. There are lots of little shops to look in so I'll spend my day doing that. We'll then take the train to Aberdeen, Scotland to see where George spent the year as a Rotary Scholar while in college. Speaking of Rotary, we were the guests of the local Rotary club here and had dinner with them last night and heard a presentation about golf in Scotland. It was all very interesting.

I'm trying my best to be artistic with these photos!

There are LOTS of blue doors here...I'm not sure of the significance, but they are very pretty.
That's all from me! Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. so was half of your suitcase full of spare batteries for your camera!!! haha love the pics
